If you're planning a trip to a Spanish-speaking country or just looking to expand your language skills, knowing some basic vocabulary for drinks can be incredibly useful. From coffee to cocktails, there are plenty of terms to learn. In this blog post, we'll cover some of the most common drink vocabulary in Spanish.
Here is some drinks vocabulary in Spanish:
- Agua - water
- Café - coffee
- Té - tea
- Leche - milk
- Sidra - cider
- Jugo - juice
- Refresco - soda or soft drink
- Cerveza - beer
- Vino - wine
- Gaseosa - fizzy drink
- Licor - liquor
- Zumo - fruit juice
- Chocolate caliente - hot chocolate
- Agua mineral - mineral water
- Batido - milkshake
- Licuado - smoothie
- Limonada - lemonade
- Ponche - punch
- Tónica - tonic water
- Sangría - sangria
- Horchata - horchata (a sweet drink made from rice or nuts)
- Chicha - chicha (a fermented corn drink)
- Mezcal - mezcal (a distilled alcoholic beverage made from the agave plant)
- Pulque - pulque (traditional Mexican alcoholic drink made from fermented agave sap)
- Tequila - tequila (a type of mezcal made specifically from the blue agave plant)
Learning the basic drinks vocabulary in Spanish is a great way to enhance your travel experience and language skills. By understanding these common words and phrases, you'll be able to confidently order your favorite drink at a café, bar, or restaurant. Practice using these words in context and soon enough, you'll be ordering drinks like a native Spanish speaker!
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