Fruits are an important part of the Spanish diet, and many different types of fruits are popular in Spain. If you're learning Spanish or planning to travel to a Spanish-speaking country, it's helpful to know the names of some of these fruits so you can order them at a restaurant or buy them at a market.
Here are some of the most common fruits in Spanish, along with their pronunciation:
1. Manzana (mahn-SAH-nah) - Apple
2. Plátano (PLAH-tah-noh) - Banana
3. Naranja (nah-RAHN-hah) - Orange
4. Piña (PEE-nyah) - Pineapple
5. Fresa (FREH-sah) - Strawberry
6. Uva (OO-vah) - Grape
7. Limón (lee-MOHN) - Lemon
8. Mango (MAHN-goh) - Mango
9. Melocotón (meh-loh-koh-TOHN) - Peach
10. Sandía (sahn-DEE-ah) - Watermelon
11. Melón (meh-LOHN) - Melon
12. Papaya (pah-PAH-yah) - Papaya
13. Kiwi (KEE-wee) - Kiwi
14. Granada (grah-NAH-dah) - Pomegranate
15. Cereza (seh-REH-sah) - Cherry
In addition to these fruits, there are many other types of fruits that you may encounter in Spain, depending on the region and the season. Some other fruits you may want to know include:
- Higo (EE-goh) - Fig
- Aguacate (ah-gwah-KAH-teh) - Avocado
- Guayaba (gwah-YAH-bah) - Guava
- Maracuyá (mah-rah-KOO-yah) - Passionfruit
- Peras (PEH-rahs) - Pears
- Ciruela (see-ROO-eh-lah) - Plum
Learning the names of fruits in Spanish is a great way to expand your vocabulary and make it easier to communicate when you're traveling. Make sure to practice the pronunciation of each fruit so you can order them confidently!
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