Vegetables in Spanish with Pronunciation - Spanish Language Learning

Are you looking to expand your vocabulary of vegetables in Spanish?

Learning a new language is always an exciting journey, and one of the essential things to master is vocabulary. In this blog post, we'll focus on a list of some common vegetables in Spanish, including their pronunciations to help you get started!

Vegetables in Spanish with Pronunciation - Spanish Language Learning

- Tomatoes - Tomates (toh-MAH-tehs)

- Carrots - Zanahorias (sah-nah-OH-ree-ahs)

- Lettuce - Lechuga (leh-CHOO-gah)

- Peppers - Pimientos (pee-MYEN-tohs)

- Onions - Cebollas (seh-BOH-yahs)

- Garlic - Ajo (AH-hoh)

- Cucumbers - Pepinos (peh-PEE-nohs)

- Eggplants - Berenjenas (beh-ren-HEH-nahs)

- Corn - Maíz (mah-EES)

- Spinach - Espinacas (eh-spee-NAH-kahs)

- Potatoes - Patatas (pah-TAH-tahs)

- Broccoli - Brócoli (BROH-koh-lee)

- Cauliflower - Coliflor (koh-lee-FLOR)

These are just a few examples of the many vegetables you can find in Spanish. By learning these words and practicing their pronunciations, you'll be well on your way to speaking Spanish with confidence!

Remember, the key to learning a new language is practice. Try using these words in your daily conversations, or look for recipes in Spanish to practice reading and listening. With a little bit of effort, you'll be amazed at how quickly you can improve your language skills.

¡Buena suerte! (Good luck!)

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