Bathroom Vocabulary in Spanish - Spanish Language Learning

¡Bienvenidos! Welcome!

In this blog post, we will be discussing bathroom vocabulary in Spanish. Whether you're a beginner looking to expand your vocabulary or an intermediate or advanced learner wanting to review and refine your knowledge, this post will cover a range of useful words and phrases related to the bathroom.

Bathroom Vocabulary in Spanish - Spanish Language Learning

Bathroom fixtures and appliances

  • El inodoro - toilet
  • El lavabo - sink
  • La ducha - shower
  • La bañera - bathtub
  • El espejo - mirror
  • La toalla - towel
  • El jabón - soap
  • El champú - shampoo
  • El acondicionador - conditioner
  • La cortina de baño - shower curtain
  • El dispensador de jabón - soap dispenser
  • El papel higiénico - toilet paper
  • El secador de pelo - hair dryer

Personal hygiene and grooming

  • La pasta de dientes - toothpaste
  • El cepillo de dientes - toothbrush
  • El desodorante - deodorant
  • El perfume - perfume
  • El cepillo de pelo - hairbrush
  • El peine - comb
  • El maquillaje - makeup
  • La crema hidratante - moisturizer
  • El cortauñas - nail clippers
  • El esmalte de uñas - nail polish
  • La toalla de mano - hand towel

Bathroom verbs and expressions

  • Lavarse - to wash oneself
  • Duchar - to shower
  • Bañarse - to bathe
  • Cepillarse los dientes - to brush one's teeth
  • Peinarse - to comb one's hair
  • Cortarse las uñas - to cut one's nails
  • Afeitarse - to shave
  • Maquillarse - to put on makeup
  • Perfumarse - to put on perfume
  • Secarse - to dry oneself
  • Limpiar - to clean
  • Tirar de la cadena - to flush the toilet
  • Llenar la bañera - to fill the bathtub
  • Vaciar la bañera - to drain the bathtub
  • Colgar la toalla - to hang up the towel

That's it for our bathroom vocabulary in Spanish! We hope you found this post useful and informative. Remember, practice makes perfect, so be sure to use these words and phrases as often as possible in order to build your fluency and confidence in Spanish. 

¡Que tengas un buen día! Have a good day!

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