Household Chores in Spanish - Spanish Language Learning

Household chores are an important part of daily life, no matter where you are in the world. If you're learning Spanish, it's important to know some basic vocabulary related to household chores. 

Household Chores in Spanish - Spanish Language Learning

In this blog post, we'll cover 30 household chores in Spanish:

  1. Limpiar - Clean
  2. Barrer - Sweep
  3. Trapear - Mop
  4. Aspirar - Vacuum
  5. Lavar - Wash
  6. Planchar - Iron
  7. Doblar - Fold
  8. Organizar - Organize
  9. Sacudir - Dust
  10. Desempolvar - Dust
  11. Fregar - Scrub
  12. Secar - Dry
  13. Colgar - Hang
  14. Sacar la basura - Take out the trash
  15. Lavar la ropa - Do the laundry
  16. Planchar la ropa - Iron the clothes
  17. Doblar la ropa - Fold the clothes
  18. Hacer la cama - Make the bed
  19. Limpiar la cocina - Clean the kitchen
  20. Limpiar el baño - Clean the bathroom
  21. Pasar la aspiradora - Vacuum the floor
  22. Barrer el piso - Sweep the floor
  23. Trapear el piso - Mop the floor
  24. Organizar el armario - Organize the closet
  25. Sacudir los muebles - Dust the furniture
  26. Fregar los platos - Wash the dishes
  27. Limpiar las ventanas - Clean the windows
  28. Limpiar el horno - Clean the oven
  29. Limpiar el refrigerador - Clean the fridge
  30. Limpiar la alfombra - Clean the carpet

In conclusion, learning household chore vocabulary in Spanish is useful for daily conversation and for communicating with Spanish-speaking people. So, practice these words and start using them in your daily life!

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