¡Bienvenidos! Welcome!
In this blog post, we will be discussing kitchen vocabulary in Spanish. Whether you're a beginner looking to expand your vocabulary or an intermediate or advanced learner wanting to review and refine your knowledge, this post will cover a range of useful words and phrases related to the kitchen.
Kitchen utensils and appliances
- La sartén - frying pan
- La olla - pot
- La cacerola - saucepan
- El horno - oven
- El microondas - microwave
- La nevera - refrigerator
- El congelador - freezer
- El lavaplatos - dishwasher
- El exprimidor - juicer
- La batidora - blender
- El rallador - grater
- El colador - strainer
- El abrelatas - can opener
- El sacacorchos - corkscrew
- La tabla de cortar - cutting board
- El cuchillo - knife
- El tenedor - fork
- La cuchara - spoon
- El plato - plate
- El vaso - glass
- La taza - cup
- El mantel - tablecloth
Cooking and food-related terms
- Cocinar - to cook
- Freír - to fry
- Hornear - to bake
- Asar - to roast
- Hervir - to boil
- Picar - to chop
- Mezclar - to mix
- Batir - to beat
- Amasar - to knead
- Enfriar - to cool
- Calentar - to heat up
- Servir - to serve
- Comer - to eat
- Beber - to drink
- La comida - food
- La cena - dinner
- El desayuno - breakfast
- El almuerzo - lunch
- El postre - dessert
- El pan - bread
- La carne - meat
- El pescado - fish
- Las verduras - vegetables
- La fruta - fruit
- La ensalada - salad
- La salsa - sauce
- El aceite - oil
- La sal - salt
- El azúcar - sugar
- El vinagre - vinegar
- La mayonesa - mayonnaise
- El ketchup - ketchup
- La mostaza - mustard
Cooking verbs and expressions
- ¡Buen provecho! - Enjoy your meal!
- Añadir - to add
- Dar la vuelta - to flip
- Dorar - to brown
- Reducir - to reduce
- Sazonar - to season
- Probar - to taste
- Cortar en rodajas - to slice
- Pelar - to peel
- Rayar - to grate
- Triturar - to crush
- Rellenar - to stuff
- Estofar - to stew
- Revolver - to stir
- Dejar reposar - to let rest
- Cocer a fuego lento - to simmer
- Cocer a fuego alto - to boil
- Cocer al vapor - to steam
- Dorar en aceite - to sauté
- Enharinar - to flour
- Escaldar - to blanch
That's it for our kitchen vocabulary in Spanish! We hope you found this post useful and informative. Remember, practice makes perfect, so be sure to use these words and phrases as often as possible in order to build your fluency and confidence in Spanish.
¡Buen apetito! Enjoy your meal!
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