If you work in an office or are learning Spanish for professional reasons, it's important to know some basic vocabulary related to the office.
Here is some essential office vocabulary in Spanish:
- El escritorio - The desk: This is where you sit to work. It usually has drawers where you can keep your supplies.
- La silla - The chair: This is the chair you sit in while working at your desk.
- El ordenador - The computer: This is the device you use for work, which includes a monitor, keyboard, and mouse.
- El archivo - The file: This is a document or collection of documents that are organized for future reference.
- El archivador - The filing cabinet: This is a piece of furniture used for storing files and documents.
- La impresora - The printer: This is a machine used for printing documents or images.
- El teléfono - The telephone: This is a device used for making and receiving phone calls.
- El correo electrónico - The email: This is a digital message sent over the internet, typically used for communication in the workplace.
- La carpeta - The folder: This is a container used for holding documents, often made of paper or plastic.
- La grapadora - The stapler: This is a device used for binding paper together with staples.
- La cinta adhesiva - The tape: This is a type of adhesive material used for sticking things together, such as paper or photos.
- La goma de borrar - The eraser: This is a device used for removing pencil or other markings from paper.
- El bloc de notas - The notepad: This is a pad of paper used for taking notes.
- El marcador - The highlighter: This is a pen or marker used for highlighting text or important information.
- El bolígrafo - The pen: This is a writing instrument used for making marks on paper.
In conclusion, learning basic office vocabulary in Spanish can help you communicate effectively in a professional setting or when discussing work-related topics.
So, practice these words and start using them in your daily conversations!
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